Zapier Integration


With Zapier integration, Docupilot now holds hands with your favorite applications to streamline the entire document generation process for your business. This is automation at it's finest where you can send data to create documents from templates, store created documents and more!
Create and Email Sales Documents When a Lead is Created
When a new lead is added in the CRM, you'll want to email a personalized proposal or any personalized sales document, Automatically generate a new document from the lead information and document template and email the generated document and save precious time. Put proposals in front of your sales leads quickly before they go cold.
Generate and Email PDFs from Forms response
When a new user submit's a response in your form like Google Forms, Wufoo, Typeform, FormStack, you will want send an email along with a generated PDF from the data of their response.
Generate Documents and store in Document Storage for Backup & Audit
Furthermore, push the created documents into Google Drive, Dropbox, Box for backup or audit purposes.
Wave Goodbye to manual document creation
Wave Goodbye to manual document creation. SignUp Now.
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